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Kindness Crews At Work

Imagine Kindness

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Kindness Crews at Work


Highlights from the LMDB Kindness Crew in Daytona Beach!

It’s so exciting to see what people are doing in the Kindness Crew around the world.  Some are hosting events at their homes. Others are collecting donations for various charities they live near. Some are volunteering in any way they can in their neighborhoods.  And we’d like to give a huge shout out to the LMDB Kindness Crew for all of their efforts this year so far. We have over 471 members in the crew at Latitude Margaritaville so far, and counting! We have one committee focused on welcoming new neighbors that has built out an entire list of ‘things you should know’ when moving into LMDB.  Another committee has been focused on finding county-wide non-profits that are in need of either items or volunteers, and the results have been amazing.  One neighbor was able to collect over 400 backpacks and supplies for the students in challenged elementary schools, while another neighbor collected over 400 pairs of socks, 300 mosquito bracelets, and 80 pairs of flip flops for the homeless.  And while all of this is going on, our little Kindness Crew has donated over 2000 lbs of food to the food bank for Volusia County, AMAZING!

If you, or anyone you know would like to start a Kindness Crew in your neighborhood, business, or family, let us know!  We’d love to help you get started.  Contact us at and we will help you begin the process of making your own little team of volunteers who spread kindness into the world.

The story was featuring in our Kindness Is..... newlsetter.

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Be sure to join our Kindness Crew Group on Facebook -

Imaging Kindness is the featured non-profit at this year's Daytona Food Fest & Craft Fair.

Kindness Volunteers are needed to help make this event even more fantastic!

If you would like to volunteer, please click on the link below for task and time assignments. We appreciate your time and thank you for your willingness to help and spread the kindness at this event!

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